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Branding – It's more than a logo

Nike logo selfie

Nike, McDonalds, Starbucks, Disney…. Ever notice the commonality amongst them?

These popular businesses have created an ever-lasting impression on consumers, making them the subject of conversation in news outlets, social media and more. But what makes them so unique that everyone can’t stop talking about these brands?

Simply put, it’s efficient branding. From the content they create, their visual designs, the use of creative marketing campaigns, product packaging, to customer service and company values. All of these elements combine to distinguish their brand from their competitors.

Oftentimes the terms logo, brand and branding, are interchanged to mean the same thing which can cause confusion. Especially when they aren’t the same. This article will focus on some key aspects of brand and branding and expand further on the following:

  1. What is a brand

  2. What is branding

  3. What is the importance of branding

So, let’s dive in, shall we?

What is a brand?

A brand is an overarching idea or concept of how consumers view and identify a business. It consists of features that allow you to differentiate one brand among another brand. It’s an intangible asset that is meant to create an overall feeling about a company in the minds of consumers.

Typically, a brand includes identifier elements including a logo, tagline, brand name and slogan. Having a unique brand is a key element that will establish a guiding factor allowing your organization to stand out amongst your competitors. For example, the brand Nike has historically spoken to athletes with an aim to inspire them with their infamous “Just Do It” tagline. Additionally, the brand is recognized globally by their bold block “NIKE” letters and a coinciding logo mark - the swoosh.

What is branding?

Apple products

Branding is the promotion of a product or service by identifying it with a particular brand. From drafting creative social content through the use of your distinctive brand identity, it is all interconnected. Branding is paramount when publicizing your business to customers. Effectively doing so can help your company stand out, build brand loyalty and create a unique customer experience.

For example, according to World Trademark Review, Apple is considered the world’s most valuable brand. Shoppers can immediately identify an Apple product. Their effective branding strategy showcases the alignment of the company’s mission to “strive to bring the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals, and consumers around the world“ through simple, yet innovative brand elements, services, product design and technology.

In addition, forget the simple, printed product overview sheets of the past. New product and software launch announcements have now become live, marketed reveals where senior level managers explain in detail the products and the benefits it will bring to the user experience. The launches themselves have become part of Apple’s branding, an event that customers now look forward to.

Understanding the difference between brand and branding is important. Now, that we have covered both these terms, let’s understand a few important reasons for effective branding:

  1. Branding allows your business to stand out amongst competitors Your brand, as mentioned above, is supported by your mission, vision and company objectives, and says a lot about who you are as a company. Think about it as the personality of your business. Effective branding makes it easier for your target markets to define who you are and what you represent compared to other similar companies.

  2. Branding helps build trust Maintaining trust with your potential and current customers should always be a high-priority goal. The process of branding allows your company to showcase that its products and services align with the values of the organization. Without trust, your business will not thrive, but with it, your company can further build and strengthen brand loyalty. Businesses without valid and established brands could be considered a red flag. Branding is an investment that helps highlight your business’s efforts to maintain its identity in the market.

  3. Branding improves marketing and advertising Marketing and advertising allow your business to be seen and heard by millions of people. However, your marketing and advertising efforts will be ineffective if they do not align with your brand. An effective branding strategy can enhance your marketing campaigns, allowing your business to deliver a strong message that aligns with your mission, objectives and core values. These thoughtful implementations of ideas will ultimately elevate your marketing and build your organization’s brand.

At The Hopkins Creative Group, we work with clients to ensure that we leverage your vision to clearly define, develop and convert your ideas into a brand that you envision. Our team will make sure that your goals are communicated in a way that best resonates with internal and external audiences to strengthen your brand.

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