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Elements of a great web design

A group brainstorming

If you were to guess, how many total websites would you say you’ve looked at over the years? A lot, right? Hell, more than just a lot.

Now, take that and ask yourself how many websites have actually stuck out to you? How many sites have grabbed your attention, either because of their aesthetically pleasing layouts or maybe because it was a clean design that had a balance of eye-catching graphics paired with spaced-out text?

Those are the websites that make us say, “Wow!” It’s the magic of what we call well-executed web design.

Between pixelated images, mismatched colors and unkept typography, you can immediately differentiate between a modern and an older-developed website. In this context, the saying, “The first impression is the last impression” holds strong. Modern-day web designs are aimed to achieve just that – a great first impression that attracts users and keeps them engaged.

Take Hyer, for example. Their polished design features effective call-to-action(s), with an appropriate balance of content, white space, photos and infographics. Understandably, it’s easy to see why this personalized aviation company received a 2022 CSS Design Award for Website of the Month.

Ooohhh, aaahhhh, right?

Perhaps, the bigger question we should be diving into really focuses on what elements make up a great website design and why they are important. Before we jump in, let’s start with a basic understanding of website design.

What is web design?

Web design, as the name suggests, is the development of a website and its corresponding pages. This process is intended to showcase a brand’s information in a user-friendly and effective way. Ensuring that a site is designed well can help businesses build upon messaging, brand reputation and attract new customers.

A successful website does three things: It attracts the right kinds of visitors, Guides them to the main services or product you offer, Collect[s] contact details for future ongoing relation - Mohamed Saad

Web elements and their importance

Designer creating wireframes

Creating a great website starts with identifying your content goals and how you want it presented to your audience. The effective placement of your text, images, videos and other elements will contribute to a user-friendly experience for your visitors.

The key elements of web design include: Layout

Website layout is the process of arranging elements on a site. Choosing the way your material will be displayed on the web page is an essential step. It needs to be accessible, interactive and easy to navigate. Your website visitors also need to be able to access your site’s information with great ease. Remember, a good layout results in a positive user experience.

Designers can also leverage blocks of space or blank areas, typically called white space, to organize content and other design elements aesthetically. Additionally, ensuring your layout management strategy accounts for responsive design will allow users to easily access your business website from a variety of digital mediums, such as mobile phones, tablets or a desktop.

High-quality images and feature videos

Using supplementary assets like high-quality (void of any pixelation or blurriness) images, photographs, icons, graphics and infographics makes the browsing experience exciting and enjoyable. Additionally, using images that complement your business product or service enhances your overall brand consistency.

Having videos in the background can intrigue customers as they visit your website. It can also be a great visual component for brand storytelling, increasing click-through rates and can generate a long-lasting impact on your audience.

Marketing pro tip


Typography is the process of meticulously arranging type styles (headers, paragraphs, quotes) to aesthetically fit within your page layouts. Web designers take into account font styles that match your brand, text sizing, lengths of written text and the spaces between lines and letters so that your content is easy to read from a site visitor's viewpoint.

Color coordination

Don’t take color for granted. The use of colors in your website can help make or break it. Using your company’s brand style guide can be helpful when choosing colors for your site’s navigation, headers, images or call-to-action buttons.

You can also use colors to play on your audience’s emotions and encourage certain actions. Warm colors that are bold, beautiful and bright can encourage comfort and warmth. Cool colors that are lighter, muted can invoke a sense of calm and serenity. Combining the powers of colors within your web pages will take your website to the next level.

Having a dynamic website can build a strong online presence and help customers differentiate your business from the competitors. From simple landing pages to robust, interactive sites, we help individuals and businesses take their sites to the next level. Our team will work with you throughout every step to ensure your ideas are transformed into memorable first impressions.

Book a free consultation today.

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