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Fueling Your Fire: 7 Strategies to Reignite Your Small Business Passion

Neon sign that says Fuel Your Passion

Running a small business can be challenging, and it's not uncommon for you or your team to feel stuck, overwhelmed and frankly, downright unmotivated. Typically, we find ourselves reinvigorated at the beginning of the new year… you know, “New year, New me” vibes. Or, maybe you listed out your top 5 goals and started strong, but are now looking at them like, “Now what?”

It’s normal. We have all been there at some point. 

So, what can you do to help reignite the passion and drive that might be falling a little flat right now? We’ve pulled together some tips to help refocus you and relight your passion.

Revisit your why

You started this journey because you had a passion to bring your idea, product or service to others. You were excited and nervous but did it anyway. However, somewhere along the way, something (or multiple somethings) started to diminish that drive. 

The great thing about having a passion is that the flame never really gets put out. Remind yourself why you started your business in the first place. Reflect on your passion, the goals you set and the positive impact you aimed to make. Reconnecting with your initial purpose can help reignite your motivation and focus.

Set SMART goals

People set goals every day, but the difference between our goals is that we want you to be SMART with them. SMART goals differ from other types of goals mainly because of the way you approach them–with the intention of being specific.

The term SMART goals is actually an acronym that is representative of helping you set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound goals. By utilizing this method of goal-setting, you define elements of a goal that will help you ensure a higher likelihood of success in achieving it. 

SMART goals photo

Get inspired

Sometimes all you need is a little inspiration to help reinvigorate yourself. The great thing is that inspiration can be found anywhere. From visiting an art museum, to reading a book from your favorite entrepreneur or scrolling on social media. Perhaps, you find inspiration from listening to a great song or podcast. 

You can even uncover inspiration by simply taking a break – yes, a break. Our brains often make the most creative connections when we allow ourselves moments of rest and relaxation. That’s right, doing nothing has been proven by research to benefit you.

The key is understanding how and where you find inspiration. If you’re not sure, try a few of the suggestions we listed above and see what works better for you.

Learn something new


Doing the same thing over and over again can sometimes kill your motivation. Try mixing it up and learning something new by attending workshops or webinars, listening to a podcast or enrolling in a course or training program that is relevant to your industry or business. You might be surprised how learning a new skill or topic can refocus and reinspire your passion.  

Not only are you expanding your knowledge and strengthening your skillset, but you’re also empowering yourself and setting your business up for new possibilities and success.

Find a mentor

Connecting with a mentor or an advisor, especially one within your industry, can do wonders for reigniting your business passion. A mentor can bring in a separate set of experiences, wisdom, advice and perspective that not only guides you, but can inspire you. The great thing is that a mentor-mentee relationship is a two-way street, and the insights and inspiration gained from this type of connection can have a profound and lasting impact on both individual’s entrepreneurial journeys.

Meet up with your motivated friends

Have you ever had that friend who has such vigor and passion, and when they talk about their goals or life, you sit there in amazement and in awe? Sometimes it can be easier to develop motivation when you see it exhibited in other people. From the way they talk about something, to the energy and excitement that resonates from them. That feeling can be contagious and when you spend time with individuals who have focus and direction, you’re more likely to walk away feeling a bit more motivated. Additionally, motivated individuals are also great cheerleaders, and often share words of encouragement with others. Although simple, the support is something that can remind you why you wanted to pursue your business in the first place, essentially helping to revitalize your drive.  

Declutter your workspace

Office space

Yes, we know. This is probably the last thing you would think we’d list, and unless you really love cleaning, we bet you’re questioning why this made the list. But, hear us out. 

Clutter and disarray are distracting and that distraction can pull you away from focusing on your goals. A clean and organized workspace can have a significant impact on your motivation, productivity and overall well-being for multiple reasons. From reduced visual distractions, to increased efficiency, a clean space can improve focus and your overall work satisfaction, leading to increased motivation and drive. Even a simple tidy-up session can immediately impact your mood. 

It doesn’t have to be a full-day task, but take 15 minutes and try tidying up your desk and surrounding workstation right now. Yes, right now, we’ll wait… Afterwards, ask yourself the following questions: How long has your space been messy? How does your workspace look – wasn’t that easy? How do you feel now? 

Reigniting the passion for your small business is a journey worth undertaking, especially to secure success this year. If you find yourself lacking a bit of motivation, try one of these ideas. By implementing the strategies above, you’re not only revitalizing your entrepreneurial spirit, but it can also have a positive effect on your team and your business at the same time.  

As you embark on this journey, remember to celebrate your small victories and learn from your challenges. With determination, strategic planning and a rekindled sense of purpose, you have the power to transform your challenges into victories and propel your business to new heights and lasting success.

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