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Must-Have Visuals for Your Website & Social Media

Let’s be honest, in this digital age and time, capturing attention is crucial. One’s focus can be fleeting. This is why it is important to include eye-catching visuals, such as photos, videos and infographics in your marketing materials. These items should not be an afterthought – they are essential. 

Think of your website and social media as prime-time real estate, and without high-quality visual assets, it is like whispering in a shouting match. To truly connect and engage, compelling and quality photos or videos are a must-have, and we're talking strategic ones that tell a story, resonate with your audience and stand out among your competitors. 

So, buckle up because we're about to learn the use of strategic visual assets that will transform your online presence!

Comparison image with high quality and blur
Image by Hopkins Creative Group

Hero Shot

The big, beautiful image that greets visitors on your homepage when they visit a website, is called the Hero Shot. Featured right at the top of your page, it should set the tone for your entire brand, visually communicating what you’re all about. Take the hero image used on Krispy Kreme Doughnuts’ website, a close-up of mouthwatering doughnuts with sprinkles, frosting and more – YUM!

Fall centric hero image featuring pumpkin spice glazed donuts, iced and hot coffees
Photo: Krispy Kreme website (Aug 2024)

Action Photos

Sometimes, showing is more effective than telling. This is why utilizing action shots to showcase your product over long, boring descriptions proves to be beneficial in attracting your target audience.

For example, if you are a brand selling a new fitness tracker, your website should showcase someone using the equipment to track their fitness progress during a hike, running or other physical activity. This leads to the audience trusting your brand and wanting to try your product. 

As far as social media is concerned, action shots are perfect! Images are always good, but short video clips of people using your product are a great way to grab attention and encourage engagement.  

Behind the Scenes Visuals

People love to see the real individuals behind a brand. It makes you seem more approachable and trustworthy. Skip the stock photos and take some snaps of your team in action.  Brainstorming a new product design? Try snapping a picture of your team's whiteboard covered in colorful ideas. Do you have a dog-loving office? Feature a picture of your furry co-worker napping under a desk (with permission from the pup's owner, of course).

P.S. – These images can be repurposed across your digital channels. Try using them in your email marketing and mobile apps to create a cohesive look.

Lifestyle Imagery

Lifestyle imagery is a great way to transform products into experiences. Use real-life pictures to sell your product. Show people enjoying your stuff. This makes your brand feel more real and relatable. Patagonia is a prime example of a brand that has mastered the art of lifestyle imagery. Their campaigns often feature outdoor enthusiasts engaging in various activities while wearing Patagonia gear. These images evoke a sense of adventure, freedom and connection with nature.

To effectively use lifestyle imagery, focus on authenticity, storytelling and emotional impact. By seamlessly integrating your offerings into everyday life, you create an emotional connection with your audience

Male and female hikers high-fiving at the top of a mountain

Fun and Quirky Snapshots

A little humor goes a long way, especially online! People connect with brands that have personalities. Share some fun and quirky snaps to add personality to your website and social media. Maybe your product is a travel mug? Stage a photo of your mug going on crazy adventures – surfing a wave or scaling a mountain.

Pro Tip: The key is to be creative and have fun with your visuals. By using a mix of these types of images, you can create a website and social media presence that is not only informative, but also engaging and memorable.

High-quality visuals not only capture attention, but also build trust and credibility with your audience. It’s also an easy fix if your website is currently live. Grab your camera (or phone), start snapping and don't be afraid to get creative. 

Are you ready to take your website and social media to the next level? The Hopkins Creative Group is here to assist you with all your marketing needs. Book your free consultation today.

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