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Starting a small business: Where to begin

Women changing the storefront sign to "Open"

What's holding you back from being successful? Fear, uncertainty, self-doubt, procrastination? Maybe you've been putting off starting your business or launching your company website. Whatever it is, you're not alone.

Embarking on the journey of starting your own small business is a thrilling and transformative endeavor. Within the world of entrepreneurship, there are an array of possibilities, challenges, doubts, fears, successes and unparalleled rewards. 

Whether you're driven by a passion for a particular industry, a desire for greater autonomy or a groundbreaking idea waiting to be realized, the decision to launch your own product, website, idea or service is a pivotal moment. A moment that we sometimes find ourselves holding on to a little longer than we anticipated. 

Have you been hitting the pause button because you need a little more time to plan, prioritize and think things through? Whatever it is, you’re not alone. Sometimes the hardest part is actually taking that first step. 

We’ve pulled together a few action items and tips to focus on when starting this new journey of yours. We want to remind you to have faith–faith in your skills, faith in your abilities and faith in yourself. It's hard to envision the full picture, but we promise, your ideas, your business and your success is possible. All you have to do is take that first step.

Clarify your business idea

Woman sitting with a laptop, looking out while she contemplates

A business usually starts as a small epiphany, or an idea, something that pops into our heads and then returns, building and gaining momentum. Sometimes this process can lead us in a variety of directions and possibilities and before you know it, your business idea has grown and can seem so grand it's now become overwhelming. 

Clarifying your business idea is a crucial step in the entrepreneurial process. Spend some time exploring your idea and work towards defining a clear concept. Think about what is going to set your business apart from other competitors in the industry and ask yourself some of these questions:

  • What is your unique selling proposition? 

  • What will make customers want to come to you? 

  • What are your strengths? 

  • How do they tie into your values?

Do some market research

Diving in is applaudable in some aspects, but not when it’s done haphazardly. Yes, we get it. Sometimes the momentum to start something makes you want to plow ahead. However, in the case of entrepreneurship, it could also lead you towards the crossroads of wasted time and wasted money.  

With market research, you gain a deeper understanding of your potential customers' needs, preferences and behaviors, allowing you to tailor your products or services to meet your target market’s demands effectively. You also gain more clarity on other factors, such as potential opportunities and challenges you might encounter, industry trends and competitors. Doing some research can help provide essential insights that will enable more strategic planning, optimize your resources and increase the chances of your entry into the world of entrepreneurship.

Develop a business plan

Most likely you’ve thought about your business a bit. You’ve probably gone through it in your head, considering different paths to potential success. Or, maybe you’ve already shared your ideas with friends and family. If that's the case, then you’ve already started a key component of planning.

So, take it one step further and get a little more detailed. Developing a comprehensive business plan will help you outline your business goals, define your target market, estimate financial projections and develop an operational plan as well as a marketing strategy. A business plan not only helps you build out a roadmap and timelines, but provides a framework that can help you make important decisions as you dive into your new venture now and into the future.

Consider business funding

Person counting dollar bills with their hands

Now, let's talk numbers. Everyone's favorite topic, unless you don’t have any. Right? Understanding the fundamentals of funding your business are important. Be real about the amount of money you have starting out and the challenges you may have within the first years of opening your business. 

Breaking down your costs and revenue projects (honest numbers, here) will help you set yourself up for success as you take this next step. Do you have some extra savings you can put towards your product or service? Are there grants you can apply for? Will you need to look for an investor or do some crowdfunding? By addressing the financial aspect early on, you set a solid foundation for sustainable growth, increased competitiveness and the ability to navigate the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship with resilience and strategic foresight.

Define your brand identity

When we talk about your brand, we aren’t only speaking about your company name or your logo. We are talking about the whole package. You have your own personality and your business should have one as well. Your logo, your brand colors and even the fun or quirky font you chose all convey a sense of personality. What do you want that to look like for customers?

One thing to remember is that it’s not only about looking cool, it’s also about telling a story – your brand story. From the way your brand talks, to the tone of voice you use in your copy and social captions. Crafting a strong and cohesive brand identity is important because it forms the basis for how your target audience perceives and connects with your business.

Set up your online presence

Laptop, iPad and iPhone featuring The Hopkins Creative Group website on each screen

With today’s digitally obsessed users, it makes sense for your business to have a presence online. From social media accounts to launching your small business website, being online is an essential step to reaching your target audience and building credibility with potential customers. 

A well-crafted website, coupled with a strategic presence on social media platforms, not only enhances your business's visibility but also serves as a powerful tool for brand promotion and customer engagement. Investing in a professional online presence is a fundamental strategy for staying competitive, reaching a wider audience and positioning your business for sustained growth in this digital age.

Remember, the first step is often the most challenging, but with careful planning and a proactive approach, you can set a solid foundation for your business journey. Be prepared to adapt, stay resilient and celebrate each milestone along the way. Whether you are fueled by a groundbreaking idea or seeking greater autonomy, starting your own business is an experience that empowers you to shape your destiny, contribute to your community and leave a lasting legacy in the business world.

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