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The 3 W’s of digital marketing

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Have you ever paused to think about the digital marketing promotions you see every day? Probably not. However, when you stop to think about it, you’d be amazed at how much marketing you come across everyday. From television commercials to radio and podcast ads, to those video sidebars and the emails you receive from your favorite retailer letting you know it’s clearance time and you can now get up to 75% off during their Spring sale…

When you stop to think about it, it really is amazing how much digital marketing touches us. And, as a business, it’s important to gauge where and how digital marketing can work for you. Is it really worth it?

Statistics reveal that more than 75% of Americans go online on a daily basis via their desktops, tablets or smartphones. Not surprisingly these metrics are even higher among mobile users, with 89% viewing the internet at least once daily.

As a business owner operating in a dynamic and constantly changing environment, it’s important to take advantage of and leverage the advantages of the digital world. Digital media has been around for a while, but with the introduction of the internet and the increased rise of home computers and smartphones, a digital revolution happened.

The popularity of digital media continues to grow, even recently, as the pandemic bolstered digital platforms and allowed them to gain popularity at a faster pace as consumers were stuck at home.

With the growth trajectory of digital, we can also attest that customer trends and shopping patterns are constantly changing. There has been a steady and significant increase in global internet users, year after year. This means businesses must step out of their traditional marketing realm and embrace a digital marketing strategy in order to increase sales and leads.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a means for businesses to connect with their potential and current customers through various forms of digital media, including websites and web pages; social media; email; SMS text messaging; television, radio and other online ads; podcasts and more.

Who benefits from digital marketing?

Anyone, from individuals, nonprofits to everyday businesses – digital marketing can benefit each and every one of them. Individuals, who seek to fly solo can use digital marketing to create their own brands. Case in point, the rise of the influencer. Whether it’s promotional campaigns, networking or marketing their skills, digital marketing can help with all of it.

Non-profit organizations can use digital marketing to educate audiences and help raise awareness about world-altering issues, recruit volunteers or even create campaigns that focus on increasing donations. Businesses can benefit from digital marketing in a variety of ways, from brand awareness to educating audiences, to generating more leads through their online presence which in turn can ultimately lead to an increase in sales.

All in all, digital marketing is an asset to be invested in for anyone who is interested in creating an online presence, reaching a wider audience or attracting new followers or customers.

Why digital marketing?

Digital marketing provides brands with tools to reach their target audience. While traditional marketing can meet some of the same goals, digital marketing techniques can help target specific and niche audiences. Additionally, digital marketing tactics help brands connect with customers on a broader scale (nationally or internationally).

“Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation.” - Milan Kundera, writer

Here are some reasons why digital marketing is important:

Consumer expectations

A majority of businesses are adapting to the digital marketing trend in order to sustain a competitive advantage with consumers. Consumers want to be met where they are. If they see you in traditional marketing, they are going to also expect to see you on digital platforms as well.

Someone working on their laptop in the train

Wider reach

Using digital marketing will allow your business to capture a broader audience, giving you an opportunity to reach more potential customers. Part of the reason is because of how easily accessible digital media is across the world. Customers no longer need to be within a few miles of a storefront to purchase its products or services. And, with the flexibility and reach of digital advertising, your US-based business can reach and service customers in Australia, Europe or any other country you want to reach.


Compared to traditional marketing, which can cost thousands of dollars, digital marketing is significantly cheaper, and can even be void of certain costs. Leveraging email marketing or social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube are great ways to start marketing your business digitally and for free. Additionally, you could create a business landing page, full website or start a google ads campaign for a few hundred dollars. These resources are economical and can prove to be more efficient for growing your business.

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Easily measurable

Today, most digital marketing platforms allow their users to measure growth with great ease. Their built-in analytics software captures detailed data that can provide feedback on brand awareness, content engagement rates, growth techniques and other insightful information on your audiences. This data, when analyzed, can help you adjust current marketing plans and better plan for future strategies.

If you’re new to digital marketing or haven’t had the chance to really evaluate the benefits of what digital can do for you, you still can. It is essential to learn the basics of digital marketing and understand how it can enhance your business’s marketing strategy.

Digital marketing is a great option for businesses to reach audiences and potentially convert them into their future customers.

At The Hopkins Creative Group, we work with our clients to ensure they understand the ins and outs of digital marketing. Efficiency and effectiveness are our core values, and we are here to assist with your marketing needs. Want to learn more about our creative palette of services for 2023? Contact us today or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

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