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What's a content strategy and why does my business need one?

If you search for the definition of content strategy, you’re bound to get a variety of results, with some descriptions using words such as “discipline” and “governance” in their listings. Wow, that already sounds complicated.

Woman leading a team meeting, directing them to look at post-it notes on a white board

Let’s break it down into something we can all understand, starting with content. Content is the material, digital or print, businesses create to communicate information about their services, products, ideas, or data. From blog posts to podcasts, infographics, ebooks, or videos – the content you create can be used for multiple purposes, but it should also have a goal. Content strategy is essentially an “action plan” on how to get your content to reach and engage people, preferably your target audience. Your content strategy should focus on achieving your business goals, whether you are trying to convey a message to build brand awareness and expertise or inspire audience action to buy something and increase company sales. In addition, content strategies should take into consideration extra components like who you are planning to reach, how and what place you plan to reach them through, budgets, timing and how often content should be created and promoted. A strategy will help keep your content consistent. Regardless if you are a startup company or a five-year business reassessing your goals, defining a content strategy can save you from wasting a lot of resources, like time and money. Additionally, the type of content you create can positively impact your relationship with your customers, increase engagement, build trust and define you as an authority.

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